Guangzhou chenyifeng environmental protection bag Co., Ltd. is a one-stop environmental protection bag manufacturer specializing in the production, processing and sales of non-woven bags, environmental protection bags, film covered bags, canvas bags and pull rope bags. It is the first choice for customization of environmental protection bags in Guangdong. CHENFENG environmental protection bag is colorful, beautiful, fashionable, environmental friendly and widely used. The patterns and styles are diverse, light and environmentally friendly, with low price and long service life. It can be recycled and is internationally recognized as an environmental protection product to protect the earth's ecology. "Honesty and innovation, quality-oriented" is the business purpose of our company. The perfect advertising design department will try its best to establish elegant, fashionable and unique styles for your products. We sincerely welcome new and old customers at home and abroad to negotiate and order, and make samples.